CAT3200HU2EVB,评估板描述了 CAT3200HU2 开关电容器升压转换器。 CAT3200HU2 的功能和主要参数可以使用提供的评估板进行评估。 CAT3200HU2 可以提供固定稳压 +5 V 输出,也可以使用外部电阻提供可调输出。它能够在各种输入电压下支持高达 100 mA 的输出负载
CAT3200HU2EVB, Evaluation Board describes the CAT3200HU2 switched capacitor boost converter. The functionality and major parameters of the CAT3200HU2 can be evaluated with the provided evaluation board. The CAT3200HU2 can either deliver a fixed regulated +5 V output or an adjustable output using external resistors. It is able to support output loads up to 100 mA over various input voltages
Conversion Type
DC to DC
Input Voltage
2.7 to 5.5 V
Output Voltage
2.6 to 5.5 V
Output Current
0.1 A