The purpose of the STEVAL-ILL030V1 demonstration board is to demonstrate the performance of ST devices in an LED lighting control application, using the DMX512 communication protocol demonstration firmware in transmitter, receiver and standalone modes.
The USART (universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter) module of the STM32F103C6 ARM 32-bit Cortex™-M3 microcontroller is used to transmit/receive data via an RS-485 transceiver. The transmitter sends DMX512 packets with a NULL START code, according to the DMX512 2008 standard.
器件 | 类型 | 描述 | 数据手册 |
STM32F102C6 | STM32主流MCU | 主流USB基本型系列ARM Cortex-M3 MCU,具有32 KB Flash、48 MHz CPU和USB FS | 点击下载 |
STCS1A | 线性稳流器 | 最大1.5A恒定电流LED驱动器 | 点击下载 |
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