This demonstration board provides a complete solution for driving 40 high-brightness green LEDs manufactured by Toshiba.
The high-brightness LEDs are arranged on the board in a 5x8 matrix.
The matrix is driven by five 8-channel STP08DP05 drivers which are controlled by the ST7FLITE3x 8-bit microcontroller.
The innovative feature of STP08DP05 is the full output error detection function, which checks the status of the outputs without invasive tests (via software).
器件 | 类型 | 描述 | 数据手册 |
ST7LITE39F2 | 经典MCU | 具有单电压FLASH存储器、数据EEPROM、ADC、定时器、SPI和LINSCI的8位微控制器 | 点击下载 |
STP08DP05 | LED矩阵显示驱动器 | 具有完整输出错误检测功能的低压8位恒定电流LED灌驱动器 | 点击下载 |
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