The STEVAL-ILL059V1 evaluation board is a high brightness LED array driver application with diagnostics based on the automotive grade, low voltage, 16-bit constant current LED sink driver STAP16DPS05 from STMicroelectronics.
The LED driver is configured and controlled through an 8-bit automotive grade STM8A microcontroller via SPI interface.
An automotive grade A5974D DC-DC converter provides the voltages and power for the overall functioning of the board.
This board can be used to demonstrate the LED driver features or used to aid in application development.
Software applications can be written, downloaded and debugged using the on-board SWIM connector.
器件 | 类型 | 描述 | 数据手册 |
STAP16DPS05 | LED矩阵显示驱动器 | 低压16位恒定电流LED灌驱动器,具有输出错误检测和自动节能功能,用于汽车应用 | 点击下载 |
STM8AF6246 | STM8 8位MCU | 汽车级8位MCU,具有16 KB Flash、LIN、16 MHz CPU和集成EEPROM | 点击下载 |
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