The L638xE and L639x are high voltage devices manufactured with the BCD™ “offline” technology. They are single chip half-bridge gate drivers for N-channel power MOSFET or IGBT.
The high-side (floating) section is designed to stand a voltage rail up to 600 V. The logic inputs are CMOS/TTL compatible down to 3.3 V for the easy interfacing microcontroller and up to 15 V for Hall-effect interfaces.
The integrated bootstrap diode allows a more compact and cost-effective design, but the use of the external diode is still possible in case of specific requirements.
The EVALSTDRV600HB8 contains 2 samples in the SO8 package for each of the compatible gate drivers, and allows evaluating all of the gate drivers features and functionalities while driving a half-bridge power stage based on N-channel MOSFETs or IGBTs in several different packages and with voltage rating up to 600 V.
Essential passive components such as the filtering and bootstrap capacitor are already mounted on the PCB, while the gate driving network shall be populated depending on the selected power switch.
Passive components footprints are compatible with both SMT and T.H. components, so they allow a fast and easy configuration and modification.
器件 | 类型 | 描述 | 数据手册 |
L6385E | 高压工业驱动器 | 带嵌入式自举二极管的HV高低侧驱动器 | 点击下载 |
L6387E | 高压工业驱动器 | 高压高侧和低侧驱动器 | 点击下载 |
L6388E | 高压工业驱动器 | 带嵌入式自举二极管的HV高低侧驱动器 | 点击下载 |
L6389E | 高压工业驱动器 | 高压高侧和低侧驱动器 | 点击下载 |
L6395 | 高压工业驱动器 | 高压高侧和低侧驱动器 | 点击下载 |
L6398 | 高压工业驱动器 | 高压高侧和低侧驱动器 | 点击下载 |
L6399 | 高压工业驱动器 | 高压高侧和低侧驱动器 | 点击下载 |
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