STEVAL-WESU1 is a reference design developed and optimized to help designers implement the latest technologies in wearable and portable applications.
The small form factor of the hardware allows it to be enclosed in a watch strap, so the user can experience a real activity monitoring system and immediately begin appreciating the sensor data acquisition, as well as all of the embedded hardware and firmware features, also thanks to the ST WeSU app available free of charge from Apple Store™ and Google Play™ stores. The Apps are based on BlueST SDK, available on GitHub.
Advanced users can also further reduce the hardware form factor; please refer to STEVAL-WESU1 user manual for more details.
The STEVAL-WESU1 firmware package is built on the STM32Cube software technology so it can easily be augmented with further algorithms. It runs on STM32L151VEY6 and includes the drivers to manage three sensors (LSM6DS3, LIS3MDL and LPS25HB), the Bluetooth low energy network processor (BlueNRG-MS) and the battery management ICs (STC3115 and STNS01).
The firmware is freely available on
器件 | 类型 | 描述 | 数据手册 |
STM32L151VE | STM32超低功耗MCU | 超低功耗Arm Cortex-M3 MCU,具有512-KB Flash存储器、32 MHz CPU、MCD、USB和2x运算放大器 | 点击下载 |
BlueNRG-MS | 蓝牙/蓝牙低能耗 | 支持蓝牙4.2核心协议规范的低功耗蓝牙网络处理器 | 点击下载 |
LPS25HB | 压力传感器 | 压阻式绝对压力传感器,260-1260 hPa,数字输出气压计,I2C,SPI | 点击下载 |
LSM6DS3TR-C | iNEMO惯性传感器模块 | 用于入门级/中档智能手机和便携式电脑平台的iNEMO 6DoF惯性测量单元(IMU) | 点击下载 |
LIS3MDL | 电子罗盘 | 3轴MEMS磁场传感器,数字输出,I2C/SPI,低功耗模式,高性能 | 点击下载 |
STC3115 | 电池电压监视 | 面向手持式应用、带有警报输出的燃气表IC | 点击下载 |
BALF-NRG-01D3 | 不平衡变压器 | 50 Ω标称输入/平衡-不平衡变换器与BlueNRG收发器共轭匹配,具有集成谐波滤波器 | 点击下载 |
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