EVAL-AD5383EBZ,使用 AD5383、40 通道、12 位数模转换器的评估板。该评估板可以用作独立板,由外部 DSP 或
微控制器进行控制,也可以连接到 PC。提供的软件可用于对 AD5383 的
寄存器进行编程。 AD5383的控制是通过
EVAL-AD5383EBZ, Evaluation Board using AD5383, 40 Channel, 12-Bit Digital to Analog Converter. The evaluation board can be used as a stand alone board with control coming from an external DSP or micro-controller or it can be connected to a PC. Software is provided which can be used to program the registers of the AD5383. Control of the AD5383 is achieved via a USB interface
DAC Resolution
12 Bit
DAC Sampling Rate
167K SPS
Number of Channels