AD9641-80KITZ,使用 AD9641 的评估板是一款 14 位、155 MSPS
模数转换器 (ADC),具有高速串行输出接口。 AD9641 旨在支持需要高性能、低成本、小尺寸和多功能性的通信应用。 ADC 内核采用多级差分流水线架构,具有集成输出纠错逻辑
AD9641-80KITZ, Evaluation Board using AD9641 is a 14-bit, 155 MSPS analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with a high speed serial output interface. The AD9641 is designed to support communications applications where high performance, combined with low cost, small size, and versatility, is desired. The ADC core features a multistage, differential pipelined architecture with integrated output error correction logic
ADC Resolution
14 Bit
ADC Sampling Rate
155M SPS
Number of Channels