



宋元浩 发布

Relay Model For Livolo

![P1170063222.png] ![SmartHome - Switch Relay v3.png] ##### **This circuit is a touch switch that replaces the wall switches and allows you to control the lighting (on and off), uses two PCBs, the first one is black and includes the microcontroller, antenna, etc., the second PCB is **[black](https://oshwhub.com/Oleg533/wireless-touch-switch-model-for-livolo-crystals)** and includes the AC part,** ##### **power supply, relays, etc.** # **Features:**

##### **ATmega328P 3.3V 8Mhz microcontroller, with pads for external oscillator (optional)** ##### **Antenna NRF24L01 SMD** ##### **Touch push button TTP223 + HTTM light reflector to interact with the switch manually.** ##### **RGB LED (The color blue does not have PWM) to indicate the status of the relays or RF connection.** ##### **Flash chip for PHOTO** ##### **Chip ATSHA204A for signature.** ##### **JST-8-1MM AVRISP + UART programming connector (UART requires 100nF capacitor in the cable)** ##### **2 relays of HF46F-5-HS1 of 5A to control AC load** ##### **DS18B20 sensor near the power supply to control the internal temperature.** ##### **Power supply HILINK HLK-PM01 5V** ##### **Voltage regulator AMS1117-3.3** # **Requirements:** ##### **It is necessary to connect the Neutral cable to the power supply.** ##### **It is necessary to print two pieces of plastic with a 3D printer to house the circuits, hold the glass and be able to screw the switch to the wall.** **![pinout.png]** **![Smarthome_Touch_Switch_Relay_01.png]** **![Smarthome_Touch_Switch_Relay_02.png]** **![Smarthome_Touch_Switch_Relay_03.png]** **![644689262.jpg]** **![644689194.jpg]**


器件 类型 描述 数据手册
PESD5V0L1BA 静电放电(ESD)保护器件 点击下载
CKR24BR105MM 直插独石电容(MLCC) 点击下载
DS18B20+T&R 温度传感器 点击下载
RTA02-4D102JTH 网络排阻 阻值(欧姆):1K 电阻器数:4 精度:±5% 每元件功率:1/16W 温度系数:±200ppm/°C 点击下载
MMBT2222A 三极管(BJT) 点击下载
25ME22SAX 直插铝电解电容 点击下载
SW-58010PWDG-4A12S1 振动传感器 点击下载
4311R-101-472 排阻 点击下载
M7 通用二极管 直流反向耐压(Vr):800V 平均整流电流(Io):1A 正向压降(Vf):1.1V @ 1A . SMAF(46MIL) 1A 点击下载
HF46F/5-HS1 功率继电器 点击下载
JCX2104KMF0150A131206REG 安规电容 点击下载
400ME4R7FC 直插铝电解电容 点击下载
FX15S-41P-GND 连接器附件 点击下载
GRM155R71H104KE14J 贴片电容(MLCC) 点击下载
RK73B1ETTP223J 贴片电阻 阻值(欧姆):22K 精度:±5% 功率:1/10W 温度系数:±200ppm/°C 点击下载
0805W8F0000T5E 贴片电阻 阻值(欧姆):0 精度:±1% 功率:1/8W 温度系数:±800ppm/°C 点击下载
CD294100UF450V168 牛角型电解电容 点击下载
LKMD2302H100MF 引线型铝电解电容 容值:10uF 精度:±20% 额定电压:500V 工作寿命:10000Hrs @ 105℃ 额定纹波电流:240mA @ 100kHz 外观尺寸(¢DxL,mm):8x23 点击下载
SIT8008AC-22-33E-8.000000D 预编程振荡器 点击下载
NF-04-MI-2.4G 无线模块 迷你 无线模块 2.4G模块 无线串口模块 贴片 插件两用 点击下载
ASPI-6045S-5R6M-T 功率电感 精度:±20% 额定电流:3.15A 直流电阻(内阻):29mΩ 电感值:5.6uH 点击下载
TSM2A103 NTC热敏电阻 点击下载

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更新时间2024-11-17 18:10:05




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