具有四个按钮和四个 GPO 的 CY8CMBR3110 触摸屏
控制器的典型应用。 CY8CMBR3xxx CapSense Express 控制器支持先进且易于实施的电容式触摸感应用户界面解决方案。该
寄存器可配置系列支持多达 16 个电容式感应输入,无需进行耗时的
Typical Application for CY8CMBR3110 Touch Screen Controller with Four Buttons and Four GPOs. The CY8CMBR3xxx CapSense Express controllers enable advanced, yet easy-to-implement, capacitive touch sensing user interface solutions. This register-configurable family, which supports up to 16 capacitive sensing inputs, eliminates time-consuming firmware development. These controllers are ideal for implementing capacitive buttons, sliders, and proximity sensing solutions with minimal development-cycle times