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应用于工厂自动和工业成像领域的Xilinx FPGA 和目标设计平台提供了更高的灵活度、加快了推向市场的时间,并降低了非再现工程总成本(NRE)。解决医疗设备设计日益膨胀的系统性能、功耗和下一代系统的成本要求。



应用于工厂自动和工业成像领域的Xilinx FPGA ...[点击查看]






   Evolving product requirements in the industrial imaging market are creating the need
for architectures that support improved image resolutions, the ability to meet changing image processing algorithms, specialized image sensor interfaces, and evolving image analysis requirements — driving system architects to look beyond typical ASSPs and ASICs to field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs).....[详细]


WP410 - Using FPGAs to Solve Challenges in Industrial Applications

    The revolution of automation on factory floors is a key driver for the seemingly insatiable demand for
higher productivity, lower total cost of ownership, and high safety. As a result, industrial applications drive an insatiable demand of higher data bandwidth and higher system-level performance. This white paper describes the trends and challenges seen by designers and how FPGAs enable solutions to meet their stringent design goals....[详细]


Connecting Xilinx FPGAs to Texas Instruments ADS527x Series ADCs

   This application note describes how to connect a high-speed Texas Instruments (TI) ADS5273 analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with serialized LVDS output to a Virtex™-II or Virtex-II Pro FPGA. Lower speed ADC devices from this family can be connected to Spartan™-3 FPGAs......[详细]

Designing Efficient Digital Up and Down Converters for Narrowband Systems

   Digital Up Converters (DUC) and Digital Down Converters (DDC) are key components of RF systems in communications, sensing, and imaging. This application note demonstrates how efficient DUC/DDC mplementations can be created by leveraging Xilinx® DSP tools and IP portfolio for increased productivity and reduced development time. While previous application notes ....[详细]

Two-Dimensional Linear Filtering

   This application note provides a Xilinx FPGA solution to two-dimensional filtering with a parameterized VHDL reference design. Two-dimensional linear filtering (2D FIR) has many applications in imaging and video processing. The range of applications vary from very precise medical imaging systems to low precision industrial imaging and consumer video applications. ....[详细]

Data Encryption using DESTriple-DES Functionality in Spartan-II FPGAs

   Today’s connected society requires secure data encryption devices to preserve data privacy and authentication in critical applications. Of the several data encryption types, Data Encryption Standard (DES) and its variant Triple-DES (TDES) have emerged to be the most commonly used in varying applications. ....[详细]

Infinite Impulse Response Filter Structures in Xilinx FPGAs

   A large percentage of filters implemented in the digital domain are Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters. These filters are used over a wide range of sample rates and are well supported in terms of tools, oftware, and IP cores. Another type of digital filter is the Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filter,...[详细]


   Recent growth in the area of digital communications has been fueled by new and exciting ommunications algorithms to satisfy the ever increasing bandwidth needs. While the majority of the bandwidth quirements are driven by multi-channel voice or data needs, ....[详细]


   There has long been a need for portable ultrasound systems that have good resolution at affordable cost points. Portable systems enable health care providers to use ultrasound in remote locations such
as disaster zones, developing regions, and battlefields, where it was not previously practical to do so. ....[详细]


   The advent and growth of minimally invasive surgery (MIS) has made endoscopes an indispensable part of improved surgical procedures. Advances in semiconductor manufacturing and imaging technology ontinue to fuel innovation and pave a path for endoscopes to be used in many new applications each year. ....[详细]

Xilinx Devices in Flat Panel Displays

   According to CIBC World Markets, Equity Research, the Flat Panel Display (FPD) industry has achieved sufficient critical mass for its growth to explode. ....[详细]