北京博电借助Xilinx FPGA交付最新系列智能电网测试设备
All Programmable技术和器件的全球领先企业赛灵思公司 (NASDAQ: XLNX)宣布北京博电新力电气股份有限公司(PONOVO POWER CO., LTD简称北京博电)通过采用赛灵思 Virtex®-6 和 Spartan®-6 FPGA,以创纪录的速度成功向市场交付了其最新系列高端智能继电保护测试仪—PNF800 系列和便携数字测试设备— PNS600 系列。...[详细]
All Programmable技术和器件的全球领先企业赛灵思公司(Xilinx, Inc. (NASDAQ:XLNX) )今天宣布正式发货 Virtex®-7 H580T FPGA —全球首款3D异构All Programmable产品。Virtex-7 HT采用赛灵思的堆叠硅片互联 (SSI)技术,是提供业界带宽最高的 FPGA,可提供多达16个28 Gbps收发器和72个13.1 Gbps收发器,也是唯一能满足关键Nx100G和400G线路卡应用功能要求的单芯片解决方案。...[详细]
Numerous standards, form factors, frequencies and spectrum ownership are driving the requirement for greater flexibility in commercial radio. The Xilinx® Multi-mode Radio Targeted Design Platform is tuned to the needs of high throughput....[详细]
Xilinx® FPGAs are the ideal platforms for addressing the evolving technical and commercial equirements of wireless basestation designs. Inherently scalable and reconfigurable, the devices reduce the risk of expensive redesigns in a dynamic market. ....[详细]
从微蜂窝(femtocel l)到宏蜂窝(macrocel l)、
微波回程(mi c r owa v e ba ck h a u l ) 、卫星通讯
多载波GSM…从北美到欧洲、亚洲、太空…赛灵思正在以经济有效、能源高效的方式. ....[详细]
Connectivity Platform Product Brief
Ever-increasing I/O bandwidth is needed to address higher silicon processing capabilities and to meet constantly changing market dynamics. ....[详细]
The Scalable Serdes Framer Interface (SFI-S) is an Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF) standard that defines the electrical connections between devices on a typical optical communications line card. An n-bit wide SFI-S configuration contains ....[详细]
WP385 - 业界带宽最高的 FPGA,全球首款用于 400G 通信线路卡的单 FPGA 解决方案
To address the insatiable demand for more bandwidth,
the telecommunications industry is accelerating
development of Nx100G and 400G line cards for
communication systems. These systems will leverage
new optical interconnect standards to address power ....[详细]
Insatiable demand for bandwidth, fueled by the rapid growth of multimedia content and the rise of cloud computing, calls for ever-faster network infrastructure powered by high-capacity network equipment. While 10G ports in the network are becoming mainstream ....[详细]