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EEWorld (www.eeworld.com.cn 、www.eeworld.com), founded in 2006, is currently one of the most influential online media in the field of microelectronics industry and has been devoted to supporting the growing electronics industry in China even since.

EEWorld aims to promote the innovation of electronic system by giving sincere services to electronic system design community, inspiring innovation thoughts, sharing innovation experience, spreading innovation knowledge, and then promote the electronic information industry in China to be big and strong.

EEWorld website provides real-time updated news, technical articles, related to industrial electronics, consumer electronics, automotive electronics, medical electronics, IoT, smart phones,AI and other fields. EEWorld also provides R&D engineers with Datasheets and Circuit Diagrams, online seminars, video tutorials and other services. As a social platform, EEWorld has 30+ forums and 2 WeChat accounts (WeChat Public and WeChat Service).

EEWorld also provides a variety of promotion services for industry manufacturers, including online advertising, forum sponsorships, mass mailings, live broadcasts and various customized program promotions.





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