
文章数:196 被阅读:578672




一. 前言

前面创建了 LED 工程进行简单的测试,本文继续分享下使用 ILA 进行在线信号抓取分析。

二. 添加 ILA IP

ILA 即内部逻辑分析仪。使用该 IP 结合 JTAG 仿真器可以方便的进行在线信号分析。


搜索 ILA ,双击 ILA(Integrated Logic Analyzer)


三. 例化 ILA IP


module led 中例化 ILA

module led(    input sys_clk,      //system clock 50MHZ on board    input rst_n,        //reset low active    output reg[2:0] led    //LED use of control the LED signal on board); 
reg [31:0] timer;
//==============================//cle counter : from 0 to 4 sec//==============================always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(~rst_n) timer <= 32'd0; //when the reset signal valid,time counter clearing else if(timer == 32'd149_999_999) //4 seconds count(50M * 4 - 1 = 199_999_999) timer <= 32'd0; //count done,clearing the time counter else timer <= timer + 1'b1; //timer counter = timer counter + 1 end//==============================//LED control//==============================always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(~rst_n) led <= 3'b111; else if(timer == 32'd49_999_999) led <= 3'b011; else if(timer == 32'd99_999_999) led <= 3'b110; else if(timer == 32'd149_999_999) led <= 3'b101; end
ila_0 u_ila( .clk(sys_clk), .probe0(rst_n), .probe1(led[0]), .probe2(led[1]), .probe3(led[2]) ); endmodule

四. 测试

综合实现,下载 bit 文件

此时会有个 ltx 文件

Ila 选项卡下可以看到信号


module led(    input sys_clk,      //system clock 50MHZ on board    input rst_n,        //reset low active    output reg[2:0] led    //LED use of control the LED signal on board); 
reg [31:0] timer;
//==============================//cle counter : from 0 to 4 sec//==============================always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(~rst_n) timer <= 32'd0; //when the reset signal valid,time counter clearing else if(timer == 32'd15) //4 seconds count(50M * 4 - 1 = 199_999_999) timer <= 32'd0; //count done,clearing the time counter else timer <= timer + 1'b1; //timer counter = timer counter + 1 end//==============================//LED control//==============================always @(posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(~rst_n) led <= 3'b111; else if(timer == 32'd5) led <= 3'b011; else if(timer == 32'd10) led <= 3'b110; else if(timer == 32'd15) led <= 3'b101; end
ila_0 u_ila( .clk(sys_clk), .probe0(rst_n), .probe1(led[0]), .probe2(led[1]), .probe3(led[2]) ); endmodule

可以看到依次间隔 6 个时钟依次点亮

五. 总结

以上分享了使用内部逻辑分析仪 ILA 进行在线信号抓取分析,该方式无需外部逻辑分析仪,方面进行信号的抓取分析,比较方便。





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