MIC2045-2YTS 单通道、高电流、低电压、受保护配电开关的典型应用。 MIC2044/45 是高侧 MOSFET 开关,针对需要电路保护的通用配电应用进行了优化。这些器件的开关电压高达 5.5V,低至 0.8V,同时提供可编程电流限制和热关断功能,以保护器件和负载。提供故障状态输出来指示过流和热关断故障情况。两种器件均采用软启动电路,以最大限度地减少采用高电容负载的应用中的
Typical Application for MIC2045-2YTS Single Channel, High Current, Low Voltage, Protected Power Distribution Switch. The MIC2044/45 are high-side MOSFET switches optimized for general purpose power distribution applications that require circuit protection. These devices switch up to 5.5V and as low as 0.8V while offering both programmable current limiting and thermal shut-down to protect the device and the load. A fault status output is provided to indicate overcurrent and thermal shut-down fault conditions. Both devices employ soft-start circuitry to minimize the inrush current in applications that employ highly capacitive loads