NCV8535 超高精度、低 Iq、500 mA 低压差稳压器(带固定版本使能)的典型应用。 NCV8535 是一款高性能、低压差稳压器。它具有 ±0.9% 的线路和负载精度以及超低静态电流和噪声,涵盖了当今消费电子产品所需的所有必要功能
Typical Application for NCV8535 Ultra High Accuracy, Low Iq, 500 mA Low Dropout Regulator with Enable For Fixed Version. The NCV8535 is a high performance, low dropout regulator. With accuracy of ±0.9% over line and load and ultra-low quiescent current and noise it encompasses all of the necessary features required by today's consumer electronics