EVB_RT2810BHGQUF,RT2810B 评估板是一款高级恒定导通时间 (ACOT) 模式降压转换器,输入电压范围为 4.5V 至 18V,并提供 10A 输出电流。本文档解释了 RT2810B 评估板 (EVB) 的功能和使用,并提供了操作、修改评估板和电路以满足个性化需求的信息
EVB_RT2810BHGQUF, Evaluation Board for RT2810B is an Advanced Constant On-Time (ACOT) mode step-down converter with the input voltage range from 4.5V to 18V and provides 10A output current. This document explains the function and use of the RT2810B evaluation board (EVB), and provides information to enable operation, modification of the evaluation board and circuit to suit individual requirements
Conversion Type
DC to DC
Input Voltage
4.5 to 18 V
Output Voltage
0.7 to 8 V
Output Current
10 A
95 %
Buck- Synchronous