L78L18AC 可调输出稳压器的典型应用。 L78L 系列三端正稳压器采用内部电流限制和热关断,使其本质上坚不可摧。如果提供足够的散热器,它们可以提供高达 100 mA 的输出电流。它们旨在作为各种应用中的固定电压调节器,包括本地或卡上调节,以消除与单点调节相关的噪声和分配问题
Typical Application for L78L18AC Adjustable output Voltage Regulator. The L78L series of three-terminal positive regulators employ internal current limiting and thermal shutdown, making them essentially indestructible. If adequate heat-sink is provided, they can deliver up to 100 mA output current. They are intended as fixed voltage regulators in a wide range of applications including local or on-card regulation for elimination of noise and distribution problems associated with single-point regulation
Conversion Type
DC to DC