EVAL-CN0160-EB1Z 通用串行
总线 (USB) 评估板正迅速成为大多数 PC 外设的标准接口。由于其卓越的速度、灵活性和对设备
热插拔的支持,它正在取代 RS-232 和并行打印机端口。工业和医疗设备制造商也强烈希望使用这种总线,但采用进展缓慢,因为没有一种好的方法来提供控制危险电压或低电压的机器连接所需的隔离。医疗应用中的防漏电除颤连接
EVAL-CN0160-EB1Z, Universal Serial Bus (USB) Evaluation Board is rapidly becoming the standard interface for most PC peripherals. It is displacing RS-232 and the parallel printer port because of superior speed, flexibility and support of device hot swap. There has been a strong desire on the part of industrial and medical equipment manufacturers to use this bus as well, but adoption has been slow because there has not been a good way to provide the isolation required for connections to machines that control dangerous voltages or low leakage defibrillation proof connections in medical applications