The FHR1200 is a high-efficiency regulator that outperforms a typical shunt regulator in applications where low operating power, wide temperature range, and wide voltage range are important. The regulator also features better stability and faster response than many existing regulators.
The FHR1200 can be used for isolated and non-isolated secondary side regulation plus, primary side, and floating regulation because the regulator can directly drive a power supply controller. This reduces parts count and circuit complexity in many applications. Non-isolated secondary-side regulation saves the cost of OPTOs and simplifies the power supply design. The FHR1200 can be used in many diverse applications. For example: VCC regulators to >100 V, small additional auxiliary power supplies, programmable precision Zener diodes (both high and low power), plus numerous analog circuits. The FHR1200 can also be used as a standalone, low-cost, thermally stable, ~7.5 V voltage reference. |
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