The NCP1632 integrated a dual MOSFET driver for interleaved PFC applications. Interleaving consists of paralleling two small stages in lieu of a bigger one, more difficult to design. This approach has several merits like the ease of implementation, the use of smaller components or a better distribution of the heating. Also, Interleaving extends the power range of Critical Conduction Mode that is an efficient and cost-effective technique (no need for low trr diodes). In addition, the NCP1632 drivers are 180o phase shifted for a significantly reduced current ripple. Housed in a SOIC16 package, the circuit incorporates all the features necessary for building robust and compact interleaved PFC stages, with a minimum of external components. |
器件 | 类型 | 描述 | 数据手册 |
NCP1632 | Power Factor Controllers | Critical Conduction Mode (CrM) Power Factor Controller, Interleaved | 点击下载 |
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