Hall-effect (magnetic field) sensing applications have become practical recently through advancements in supporting technologies. This paper introduces Hall-effect technology, and then explores how it has been applied, in particular, differentiating between the primary types of Hall sensor ICs, and the highly differentiated range of sensing behaviors they can support. In addition, it explores some of the enabling technologies, such as advances in signal processing, that have made this technology so much more robust than in its earliest days. This allows the application of the extreme high-reliability benefit of contactless Hall applications in a broader range than ever before. In addition to the improvements in supporting technologies, the Hall-effect devices themselves have advanced, contributing to the designs of complete solutions. These advances include power and space reduction, as well as integration of diagnostic and protection functions that allow Hall sensor ICs to provide the advanced data-driven features that are becoming more in demand in miniaturized portable consumer electronics, automobiles, and other growing industries.