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 · Recent Trends in Hall Effect Current Sensing 279.39 Kb 2009/12/30
This paper presents recent advances in integrated Halleffect–based current sensor ICs. It covers the variouspackaging concepts for integrating the primary current pathinto the system, the major impro...
 · Position and Level Sensing Using Hall Effect Sensi... 210.47 Kb 2009/12/30
Hall-effect (magnetic field) sensing applications havebecome practical recently through advancements insupporting technologies. This paper introduces Hall-effecttechnology, and then explores how it ha...
 · 飞思卡尔单封装胎压监测系统(TPMS) 852.78 Kb 2009/07/29
 · 飞思卡尔触摸传感器实现新的应用 1175.34 Kb 2009/07/29
 · “物理传感器掀起了MEMS消费化热潮” 886.22 Kb 2009/07/29
 · Avago 用于电机控制电流检测应用的隔离放大器和霍尔效... 136 Kb 2009/07/19
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